When You Use Too Much Soap

A lot of people get shocked every now and then when we clarify that the issue with their washing machine is brought about by putting in an excessive amount of laundry detergent.Countless washer problems have stemmed from inappropriate utilization of the laundry detergent. To completely comprehend this idea, you first need to understand why too much detergent results in washer issues.

Federal regulations have created laws to reduce the amount of water used over the last decade. The best way is not to use too much soap as much as you did with older washing machine models. Newer models don’t use enough water to dissolve all the soap. The soap remnants can result in bigger problems for those with newer washing machine models because of this.

Try this instead, add an extra rinse and pre-wash cycle to ensure that the soap has been fully rinsed. Another tip would be to simply reduce your detergent input to a tablespoon per load.

Signs that you’re using too much detergent:

  • Your washer boot feels slimy.
  • A strong odor.
  • Dark spots on the door.

So How Much Soap Should You Use? Take note of the following:

  1. Never overload your washing machine. You can fill it up until 3/4 full but not packed tightly.
  2. Read the manual when it comes to detergent use recommendations. This also contains information on the kinds of soap that is best fitted for your machine.
  3. Use about a tablespoon of detergent for each load unless you have an extremely dirty load. 1 tablespoon should be enough for regular washing.
  4. Always measure the amount of detergent you put in your load. Don’t just directly pour from the package, use a measuring device. Take note that the measuring cup that’s already in your detergent is already at about ten times the detergent you need.
  5. Use a high efficiency soap. These type of soaps are created to prevent the machine from making too much suds. Over-sudsing is one of the main causes for repairs.

Overall, don’t forget to check you machine once in a while to maintain it in it’s tip top condition. Watch out for unusual smells, sounds and sights because these can act as early indicators that there’s something going on.

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