Washer Woes

Washing your clothes in cold water is great if you have cold-water detergent, but regular detergent is designed to work best with warm or hot water. If the water temperature of your washing machine is not properly regulated your clothes may not be getting as clean as they should. Understanding how your washing machine regulates […]

Cutting Costs with Cold Water

Did you know that washing with hot water clearly doesn’t save you money? If you’re constantly doing this, now is the time to stop if you want to start spending on the right things. This article was originally written by Trent Hamm for CSMonitor.com If you wash on hot and rinse on warm, you’re going […]

Easy Water Saving During Water Shortage

Easy Water Saving During Water Shortage Global warming and rising sea levels, yet a water shortage. As the earth heats up and the ice caps melt, the sea levels start to rise. This results in hose-pipe bans and a situation of “water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink”! After every long winter, the warm and […]