Develop a system and follow it consistently. Allow your family one month to adjust to it before you alter it. Enlist your family’s help. Make each person responsible for transporting their clothing to and from the laundry room. Even a five-year-old can handle that task. Let children help you with the laundry. It’s the best […]
The End of Lost Socks
Do you ever wonder where all those socks go? Somewhere between your laundry hamper, the washing machine and the trip back to your room they have disappeared. We can’t solve the mystery of where those socks go, but we can prevent them going astray. Follow these tips to keep your socks two-by-two. When a sock […]
Laundry Helpers Everyone Needs
Anyone who does the laundry in their home knows that there’s more to looking after clothes than loading a washing machine and dryer! In fact at times this continuous chore can seem daunting. Some preparation and following advice doing the laundry will become a breeze! Sorting the washing Sorting the washing certainly deserves the word […]
How to Clean Your Leggings Properly
Legging are probably the one item in most of our closets that we get the most use out of, so that means you want them to last as long as possible. But do you know how to clean you leggings? If you aren’t sure here are some tips on washing your leggings. Know your fabric […]
Organizing Tips to Help You Conquer the Laundry Monster
Laundry. You sort, you wash, you fold, you blink – and the pile of dirty clothes has grown all over again. Laundry is a fact of life, but approaching the task in an organized way can make it more manageable Preparation is Half the Battle If you have a large family (or lots of clothes!), […]
How To Care For Your Favorite Team Jersey
You are a diehard fan. You know all the statistics about every player on your favorite team. You go to every game you can get to, even if it means you have to cross six states to cheer on your boys to victory. You have a room in your house devoted to the team, festooned […]
Start Washing Clothes Right
Washing Clothes Right You possess types of apparel. They come in a variety of hues and are made with various materials. So how would you wash all of them? We can best tell you right off, is to not pack them into one load, dump some detergent and just turn the switch to on. Without a […]
When You Use Too Much Soap
A lot of people get shocked every now and then when we clarify that the issue with their washing machine is brought about by putting in an excessive amount of laundry detergent.Countless washer problems have stemmed from inappropriate utilization of the laundry detergent. To completely comprehend this idea, you first need to understand why too […]
Is Your Laundry Room Costing You Money?
Is Your Laundry Room Costing You Money? The price of energy is going up all the time, and you’re probably looking for ways to save on your house bills. As it turns out, your least favorite room may be one of your biggest energy hogs. I’m talking about the laundry room. Now, you can save all […]